by CData Arc Marketing | September 10, 2018
Co-workers talking

Managing Complex Data Transformations

Integration scenarios have a way of starting out simple and then growing more complex.

For example, say your sales manager wants to grab leads from Marketo and view them in Salesforce, as described in our post Making Integration Quick, Easy and Agile. CData Arc makes the process easy through an intuitive UI, pre-defined, configurable connectors and pre-packaged workflows.

Now that the leads are in Salesforce, the sales manager may realize that many of these leads aren't fully qualified. Qualifying each lead is taking too much time and effort.

So, the sales manager asks, "What if the system could automatically filter out unqualified leads before they ever make it into Salesforce?"*

You may decide to address this request by adding filtering capabilities. Filtering might involve running queries that qualify leads before bringing them into Salesforce. You might run a query against your legacy accounting system to see if a lead matches the name of an existing customer. If it is an existing customer, the system could prevent it from being transferred to Salesforce.

Luckily, while CData Arc makes it easy to complete simple application-to-application (A2A) integrations, it also offers the sophistication to meet complex end user demands, such as this one, through its API-driven architecture and RSBScript language.

API-Driven Architecture

If you need to perform complex operations, such as automating complicated, redundant tasks, or take advantage of CData Arc management capabilities from within an external application, you can do so through the CData Arc API-driven architecture.

CData Arc's REST-based management API exposes all features of the application through a modern web API interface like REST, JSON, or OData. You can use this API to onboard new connectors programmatically, create your own complex scripted workflows, or take advantage of individual CData Arc capabilities from another application.

You can also create your own custom APIs (or microservices) to provide entry points that trigger integration workflows, access data, and publish data without the need to write code. Workflows can do things like update data, send notifications, and generate reports. Creating workflows triggered by a microservice enables you to build an infrastructure that is easy to develop, test, and maintain. Such an infrastructure helps your business scale and reduces the complexity of a large, monolithic integration platform. You can also build APIs that provide secure, real-time access to siloed data stored in a custom database, files such as Excel, or in legacy applications.


CData Arc is also fully extensible through the RSBScript cross-platform configuration language. RSBScript delivers a full array of programming capabilities, including data manipulation formatters (e.g. string, add numbers), operations (e.g. querying a database, calling REST services), and key word operators (e.g. If/else, Switch/Case, Try/Catch).

Your organization can use RSBScript to create custom events that kick off pre- or post-processing events, triggers, or other integrations that hook into existing connectors. For example, you can employ RSBScript to create a post-processing event that routes a file to multiple destinations or resubmits a message after 50 minutes if it initially fails to transmit.

You can also extend an integration by creating custom connectors in the language of your choice, such as Java or C# to connect with custom databases, internal systems or enhance functional capabilities of an application.

Handle Complex or Simple Integrations

Whether you need a simple or complex A2A integration, CData Arc delivers the power and flexibly to meet your demands. Learn more about how your organization can meet your unique requirements using CData Arc. Check out the latest CData Arc overview video:

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