August 9, 2024

FTP Alternatives: 5 Methods for More Secure File Transfers in 2024

Explore 5 FTP alternatives for more secure file transfers in 2024. Find out which modern methods surpass FTP regarding security, performance & compliance.

February 1, 2022

CData Arc Recognized by G2 for Best ROI

We are proud to announce that once again, CData Arc has been recognized by G2 in the Best Return on Investment(ROI) Winter 2022 category. G2 is the world s largest tech marketplace which gathers thousands of reviews by actual users to help them make buying decisions for their business technology. G...

September 29, 2021

Connecting B2B Integration with Salesforce

Many organizations think about data movement differently based on whether integrations are internal or external facing. Internal data integration refers to the connectivity between applications and data sources that support internal operations — for example, connecting Salesforce with data from an ...

March 4, 2020

EDI to Excel Translation: A Quick and Easy Way to Get Started with EDI

Getting your EDI process up and running with a new trading partner is typically a time-consuming and complex process. You need to get specifications from your partner describing the EDI format they require and set up a template for translating data from your operational systems into the requisite E...

December 17, 2019

Do You Have a Process for File Transfer Governance?

The onslaught of data security breaches today is relentless. The first six months of 2019 alone saw more than 3,800 breaches, an increase of 54 percent over the previous year, according to a report by Risk Based Security . The costs for each breach have burgeoned as well. The 2019 Ponemon Institute...

December 6, 2019

What You Risk When You Keep Your Legacy File Transfers

Many organizations continue to use legacy solutions to perform critical enterprise file and data transfers. These outdated technologies can include everything from unsecured FTP clients to hand-coded scripts and legacy “managed file transfer tools. While these collections of ad hoc approaches typic...

November 29, 2019

MFT vs. FTP: 17 Ways Managed File Transfer is Superior to File Transfer Protocol Scripting

MFT vs. FTP: Understand 17 key benefits of Managed File Transfer over File Transfer Protocol scripting & how MFT enhances security, automation, and more.

November 27, 2019

How to Reduce The Most Common File Transfer Security Risks

Individuals are constantly transferring files to their colleagues and trading partners, whether those files are Word documents, reports and spreadsheets, or shipping notices and acknowledgements. Most of the time, people simply assume these file transfers are safe. But in reality, hidden risks abou...

September 25, 2019

SFTP Client Software - Bringing Enterprise SFTP to Everyone

If you're looking for an enterprise-class solution for safeguarding file transfer using the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol but have a limited budget, look no further. CData Arc is now offering our SFTP Core enterprise client software for free. We wanted to make this available to the broader community ...

February 25, 2019

AS2 Security Basics

Applicability Statement 2, or AS2, is one of the most secure file transfer protocols for data exchange between trading partners. AS2 combines a number of secure and widely used technologies, including HTTPS, SSL Certificates, S/MIME and file hashing. How Does AS2 Security Work? Walking through the ...

February 4, 2019

The Benefits of MFT Modernization: Moving Beyond Siloed File Transfer

Organizations increasingly rely on data to serve customers, drive decision-making, and power business processes. This data is typically stored in files, across disparate applications, databases, and local machines and must be moved across the organization quickly to respond to real-time customer de...